Suunnitteletko konserttia? Oletko tekemässä äänitettä? Haluatko keskittyä luovaan työhön? Hae tukea Musiikin edistämissäätiöltä!
Musiikin edistämissäätiö sr (MES) edistää kotimaisen musiikin monimuotoisuutta tukemalla sen tekijöitä, esittäjiä, kustantajia ja tuottajia. MES tukee suomalaisten tai Suomessa vakituisesti asuvien esittävien taiteilijoiden ja säveltäjien, sanoittajien ja sovittajien tuotantoa.
Säätiö edistää ja tukee taloudellisesti suomalaiseen musiikkiin liittyviä elävän musiikin tilaisuuksia, musiikkitallenteiden tuottamista, musiikin markkinointia ja vientiä, kustannustoimintaa ja koulutusta. Edistämistyö painottuu ammattimaiseen toimintaan, ja sen piiriin kuuluvat kaikki musiikkilajit.
Tukitoiminta rahoitetaan yksityisen kopioinnin hyvitykseen osoitetuilla varoilla, valtionavustuksilla ja säätiön taustayhteisöjen lahjoituksilla. MESn ovat perustaneet Gramex ja Teosto.
Tiedä, älä luule!
Hakuaika päättyy kaikkina hakupäivinä klo 24.00. Myöhästyneitä hakemuksia ei huomioida, eikä tukea myönnetä jälkikäteen. (Poikkeukset äänitetuotantotuki ja musiikkivideotuki, joista tiedot tukimuodon kohdalla). MES ei päivystä iltaisin eikä viikonloppuisin, joten ota tämä huomioon mahdollisen avuntarpeen sattuessa. Suosittujen tukimuotojen kohdalla palvelin saattaa ruuhkautua kahtena viimeisenä hakupäivänä, joten tee hakemuksesi ajoissa!
Kuluapurahalla/kohdeapurahalla voi maksaa vain taiteellisen toiminnan kuluja. Tuen hakija on se taho (yksityishenkilö tai yhteisö), joka on vastuussa hankkeen tuotoista ja kuluista.
Jos apurahansaaja käyttää MES:n myöntämää tukea työvoiman palkkaamiseen, on apurahansaaja vastuussa tavanomaisista työnantajavelvoitteista, kuten ennakonpidätyksistä, sivukuluista ja tulorekisteri-ilmoituksista.
Huolellisesti mietitty hankkeen tulo- ja menoarvio lisäävät hakemuksen uskottavuutta. Myönnetyt tukisummat ovat useimmiten 30–50 % hankkeen kustannusarviosta. Harkitse mitkä liitteet ovat hakemuksen arvioimisen kannalta olennaisia.
Tukea ei myönnetä soitin- eikä laitehankintoihin.
Hakuajan päätyttyä hakemusten käsittelyprosessi kestää 4–8 viikkoa. Käsittelyaikaan vaikuttaa hakemusten määrä ja säätiön asiantuntijatoimikuntien kokousten ajankohta hakuajan päättymisen jälkeen. Asiantuntijatoimikuntien esitykset vahvistaa säätiön hallitus. Hakijoille ilmoitetaan päätöksestä sähköpostilla.
Säätiö ei perustele päätöksiään, eikä anna lausuntoja hakijoille, näin ollen hakijalla ei ole tarkastusoikeutta tallennettuihin hakemuksen arviointitietoihin.
Arvonlisäveron huomioiminen kustannusarviossa ja selvityksessä
Arvonlisävero hyväksytään avustettavaksi kustannukseksi vain, jos se jää avustuksen saajan lopullisesti maksettavaksi. Mikäli avustuksen saaja vähentää verotuksessaan maksamansa arvonlisäverot, avustettavalle kohteelle hyväksytään kustannus nettomääräisenä. Avustuksen saajan tulee järjestää kirjanpitonsa siten, että avustuksen käyttöä voidaan seurata luotettavasti.
Audiovisual production grant
Apply for audiovisual production grant now
Apply for a grantApplication deadlines
Financial support for audiovisual production is granted for music-based productions featuring Finnish performing and/or creative music genres. Eligible projects include music videos, music-related documentaries and films as well as music education programmes and other AV productions promoting Finnish music. Aside from actual AV grants, financial support is also available for screenwriting and advance planning to help develop the concept and idea all the way to production launch. Music videos are not eligible for this type of support. The maximum grant is 50% of the project budget except for the support available for screenwriting and advance planning purposes.
Applications must be submitted within 4 months of the release of the video or programme. Applications received after said date will not be processed. Awards of grants for music video productions are based on the finished music video.
Criteria for financial support
Financial support is primarily provided for professional productions. For example, student projects are not eligible for support.
A key criterion is musical content and significance. The grant is designed to promote diversity in AV productions. For music videos, a prerequisite for the grant is that the video featuring the piece of music has been or will be released commercially or otherwise made available to the public. The grant recipient is required to obtain all the necessary licenses from the performers, authors and producers.
A report on the use of the funds must be filed via our application system to which you log in using your user credentials.
Live music grant: Music Finland LIVE grant
Application deadlines
- Hakuaika päättyy 31.12.2023 klo 24.00 - Myöhästyneitä hakemuksia ei oteta huomioon
Hakuohjeet tulossa!
Live music grant
Apply for live music grant grant now
Apply for a grantApplication deadlines
- 31.12.2023
- 30.04.2024
- 31.08.2024
- Haku vuoden 2025 tukitoimintaan avautuu joulukuussa!
Live music grants are available for specific projects featuring Finnish creative and/or performing music. Projects eligible for financial support include individual concerts, concert series, tours and music events both at home and abroad. Financial support is primarily provided for professional music-making.
PLEASE NOTE! Showcase and other promotional performances, for which performers receive no fee (following deduction of the cost of travel, accommodation and other such expenses), are eligible for marketing and export grants. However, free performances alone do not give eligibility for marketing and export support. Instead, the marketing efforts must focus on an export product that is likely to generate export revenues from sale and licensing or offer some realistic prospects for exports.
Applications need to be filed before the project is implemented. Any applications received after the closing date will not be processed.
It is inadvisable to send applications too early. If the details of the project are not yet known (e.g. what, where, when, the performers), the application is inadmissible. Incomplete applications cannot be considered.
Key criteria
- artistic and professional standard of the performers and/or authors
- quality and standard of the content of the project
- the musical, cultural and regional relevance of the project
- in case of foreign projects, the relevance of the project to the career advancement of the performers and/or authors
As a rule, financial support is not granted to
- projects related to free-time pursuits, such as those launched by student orchestras or other amateur groups
- ordinary concerts by amateur choirs
- projects related to the ordinary activities of state-subsidised orchestras
- performances for which musicians receive no compensation or are left empty-handed after the deduction of expenses
- performances of copyrighted works for which no royalties are paid
- well-established major music festivals receiving funding from the state and/or municipalities
- individual concerts of music festivals, except when responsibility for production and finances rests with a party other than the music festival itself
- theatre and dance theatre projects in which the role of music is not exceptionally prominent
- projects that are unrealistic in terms of expenditure and revenues
- the organisation of and participation in contests
- the purchase of instruments and equipment
‘VAKA’ support
VAKA’ support (national club and regional tour support) is a form of support financed under a specific appropriation granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture. It is available for concert series organised by professional musicians, music societies, music clubs, concert houses, companies engaged in the music business and private event producers in Finland.
The closing dates for the submission of applications for VAKA support are the same as for live music grants. To apply for VAKA support, use the form for live music grants. It is not necessary to indicate that the applicant is applying for VAKA support. Instead, the application is prepared just like a normal application for the live music grant. Projects eligible for VAKA support will be selected from among the applications by a panel of exports.Reporting
A report on the use of the funds must be filed via our application system to which you log in using your user credentials.
The report on the use of the funds must include:
- a summary of the revenue and expenditure of the project based on accounting records
- a freely worded report on project-related developments (e.g. a description of the success of the project, number of audiences, visibility, overheads, the need for this form of support in the applicant’s activities)
- an extract from the main ledger down to the level of cost centres OR a breakdown of revenues and expenses using an Excel template (available in the application system under ‘Attachments to the accounting report’)
- If you apply for VAKA support, attach the duly signed contract.
- private individuals and ensembles that are not reporting entities are required to submit expense reports (including payments) up to the amount of the financial support granted
- * Live music - example of an application
Publication grant
Apply for a publication grant now
Apply for a grantApplication deadlines
- 31.03.2024
- 30.09.2024
Publication grants are awarded, among others, for the publication of Finnish sheet music or print-on-demand sheet music. This form of financial support is primarily designed to contribute towards editorial, proofreading and printing costs and is mainly intended for professional publishers. However, it may also be granted for other publication purposes related to the music industry.
A report on the use of the funds must be filed via our application system to which you log in using your user credentials.
Education grant
Apply for education grant now
Apply for a grantApplication deadlines
- 31.01.2024 Koulutustuki 1/2
- 31.01.2024 Musiikkileirit ja mestarikurssit 1/1
- 15.08.2024 Koulutustuki 2/2
Education grants are primarily awarded for the organisation of supplementary and advanced training intended for professionals for the purpose of promoting Finnish music. Personal study grants are excluded.
A report on the use of the funds must be filed via our application system to which you log in using your user credentials.
Choir travel grant
Apply for choir travel grant
Apply for a grantApplication deadlines
- Haku päättyy 31.1.2024
Choir travel grants are available for foreign tours under a specific appropriation granted by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
The key criterion for this type of financial support is the choir's artistic standard and its ability to serve as a representative of Finnish choir culture abroad. The itinerary is also taken into account.
Applications for travel grants are processed once a year. Applications need to be filed before the project is implemented. Any applications received after the closing date will not be processed.
A report on the use of the funds must be filed via our application system to which you log in using your user credentials.
Marketing and export grants
Apply for a marketing and export grant now
Apply for a grantApplication deadlines
- 15.01.2024
- 15.05.2024
- 15.09.2024
Marketing and export grants are available for a range of domestic marketing and export projects designed to promote and increase awareness of Finnish music internationally, while at the same time boosting demand and sales and earning export revenues. This type of financial support is provided for projects with the potential to generate export revenues directly or indirectly.
Aside from the budget and timetable, the marketing plan must identify the party implementing the plan. For example, a plan for an export-promoting trip must be accompanied by information on foreseen meetings and the measures by which music exports will be promoted.
Applications need to be filed before the project is implemented. Any applications received after the closing date will not be processed.
Examples of typical projects eligible for marketing and export grants
- An information and marketing campaign in Finland or abroad related to a specific project, company or field of activity
- Participation in international music fairs, exhibitions and other events involving export-related objectives or actions that have not received travel or works export support from Music Finland
- Export and other PR publications intended to promote exports (Please note that applications for support for music videos and other audiovisual PR publications are normally filed using Music Finland's AV support application process)
- Foreign showcase, warm-up and other promotional performances for which musicians receive no compensation
As a rule, financial support is NOT granted for
- Ordinary information, development and marketing efforts, such as the creation of websites or established e-commerce platforms, demo production costs or record releases
- Ordinary performances or tours for which performers receive financial compensation (see live music grants)
- Export projects that have received or may receive release tour or showcase support from Music Finland. For these, MES support is only available in exceptional cases. Export events coordinated by Music Finland and supported by MES through MF (e.g. Womex, Midem, Eurosonic), only receive grants in special cases, such as individual artists with no company and so ineligible for MF's support.
- Export projects not deemed to involve actual export objectives, plans or products that may not be realistically expected to generate any export revenues over any timeframe
- Trips to export and trade fairs as well as events held in neighbouring areas (e.g. Tallinn, St. Petersburg and Stockholm)
- Participation in contests
- Daily allowances
A report on the use of the funds must be filed via our application system to which you log in using your user credentials.
- * Marketing and export - example of an application
Work grant
Apply for a work grant now
Apply for a grantGrant application deadlines for 2024
- 31.1.2024
- 30.4.2024
- 15.8.2024
- 15.11.2024
Work grant for private individuals and ensembles / groups
Work grants are available for private individuals for uninterrupted work periods of 1, 2 or 3 months. For members of ensembles or teams, the 1-month grant may be halved at the discretion of the panel of experts. Work grants are intended for creative work, such as composing, writing and making arrangements, practicing for performances and recordings or any combination of these activities. Eligible for the grant are professionally active persons engaged in the music industry and performing artists with a proven track record of artistic work.
The application must be accompanied by a detailed plan for the work to be carried out during the foreseen period, followed by successful completion of the plan. If the work grant is intended for recording, indicate the timetable for the release and the publisher; if for a performance, indicate the timetable and foreseen venue in addition to your work plan. Work grants are also available for composition, writing and arranging projects even if the date of publication is not yet know at the time when the application is filed.
Work grants are personal and intended to cover ordinary living expenses during the work period. The grantee may not draw any equivalent grant or pay concurrently with the work grant. Gainful employment, including paid holidays, is forbidden during the period the grant is used. However, it is permissible to work on a part-time or temporary basis as long as the working hours do not exceed 20% of full-time hours. An unemployed grantee must report the work grant both to the Employment and Economic Development Office (TE-toimisto) and the party paying the unemployment benefit.
Application process
The application must always be filed before the foreseen work period starts. Any applications received in arrears will not be processed. The same applicant may receive a grant for a maximum period of 3 months during any one calendar year.
File the application using your personal user credentials. If you have already registered as an applicant using the credentials of an association, entity or company, you cannot use the same credentials to apply for the work grant.
Ensembles and teams
Each member of the ensemble/team must apply for the work grant personally. Also, indicate in your application the name of the ensemble/team as well as the other members of the group.
Each member of the ensemble/team must apply for the work grant at the same time because the applications are reviewed simultaneously. Any applications received in arrears will not be processed.
Amount of the work grant and taxation
The amount of the work grant given by the Finnish Music Foundation is EUR 1.900,00 per month. For members of ensembles or teams, the grant may also be halved at the discretion of the panel of experts to EUR 950.00 per two weeks period.
Work grants given by the Finnish Music Foundation are personal and intended to cover ordinary living expenses during the work period. The grantee may not draw any equivalent grant or pay concurrently with the work grant.
Grants and stipends awarded for the purpose of artistic work are tax-exempt up the same amount as state artist grants. In 2024, grants are exempted from tax up to EUR 26.269,46.
The grantee is not required to submit a tax card for the payment of the work grant. The Foundation files an annual report on the grants paid with the Tax Administration.
Additional information on the taxation of grants:
Taxation of grants - Finnish Tax Administration
For Grant Applicants - Association of Finnish Foundations
Payment and use of the work grant
Follow the instructions for drawing down the work grant given in the letter of decision.
The work grant is paid out in the month during which the work is carried out. There are two dates of payment: at the beginning or in the middle of the month. A new payment of the grant will not be made unless the previous period is duly accounted for.
The request for payment must be made no later than one week before the date of payment. Indicate in your request for payment which data of payment you prefer. As the Foundation will pay the grant to the bank account indicated in your application, you need not give the bank account number in your request. The personal grant may not be reassigned to another person or transferred to the account of a company or entity.
The period of validity of the grant is indicated in the letter of decision.
Report on the use of the work grant
A report on the use of the funds must be filed via our application system to which you log in using your user credentials.
Prepare a freely worded report within two months of the end of the work period. Failure to submit the report will prevent the disbursement of any further grants.
While members of ensembles/teams may submit a joint report on the use of the funds, each member must attach it to their own application. Each member is responsible for his/her own report.
The Finnish Music Foundation is interested in knowing what was achieved with the grant and what was its role and impact in the realisation of the project. At the same time, we wish to ascertain that the grant is used for the purpose indicated in the application.
The report must provide the following information:
- Name and decision number
- All members of the ensembles and teams
- Purpose for which the grant was applied for
- Start and end dates of the work period
- A fairly detailed description of how the planned work period played out and what was achieved with the aid of the grant
- The timetable for the release/performance of the repertoire practiced during the period or the date of publication/performance of the composition
Record production grant
Apply for record production grant now
Apply for a grantRecord production grant application deadlines
The MES’s record production grant is available either as a recording grant or artist grant. Both types of support are granted for producing recordings of Finnish creative and/or performing music. The same applicant may only apply for either a recording grant or artist grant during any single calendar year. Artist grants are not awarded for individual recordings. A specific electronic application form is used for both forms of support.
Applications for both grants are reviewed by a panel consisting of experts in various music genres. Classical and popular music have their own panels.
Key criteria for recording and artist grants
- quality and standard of the music and performance
- originality, freshness and novelty of the repertoire
- musical and cultural relevance of the recording
- a commercial professionally-run physical and/or digital distribution platform, such as iTunes, SoundCloud, Spotify or telecom operator services must exist for the recording. YouTube is not an eligible distribution platform.
Recording grant
Recording grants are available for individual recordings that include several works of music. The size of the recording (album, EP or similar) must be indicated in the application. The application must be accompanied by no fewer than three but no more than five samples of the music recorded. The samples must be taken from the finished recording (no raw-mixed content). The application for support must be filed within 4 months of the release of the recording.
Key criteria for the artist grant is the quality and standard of the music and presentation, originality, freshness and novelty of the repertoire, the musical and cultural relevance of the recording as well as distribution.
A commercial, professionally-run physical and/or digital distribution platform, such as iTunes, SoundCloud, Spotify or telecom operator services must exist for the recording. YouTube is not an eligible distribution platform.
Artist grant
The artist grant is a form of support offered to the company releasing the recording. It is designed to promote professional publishing in all genres of music. The same applicant may only apply for either a recording grant or artist grant during any single calendar year. Artist grants are not awarded for individual recordings.
Career support is intended to boost the professional career-building efforts of Finnish artists and other artists residing in Finland, and to allow artist to take risks by participating in productions designed to advance their careers.
A report on the use of the funds must be filed via our application system to which you log in using your user credentials.